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Korean cucumber salad - The Best salad

How to make a delicious Korean cucumber salad :
Another popular dish among Koreans called cucumber salad . Although it is a salad, it is a little salty flavor of the plate because of the added salt. Koreans wanted to integrate the crisp taste of a vegetable with a slightly salty taste of traditional Korean flavors and ended up with this unique salad. Here's how to make a Korean cucumber salad.

First, here are the things you will need to make the salad : a pair of large cucumbers, salt ( to obtain the type of course ) , vinegar Korean cucumber salad, sugar, a little Korean chili powder , garlic, onion, sesame seeds and water .

Korean cucumber salad :
Now that we're done with preparations , we will make the salad . Take your cucumbers and cut clean through the cucumber so that you get thin circles. Take slices of cucumber and mix in a bowl with a little salt and a little water and let stand for about 15 minutes for cucumbers absorb salt Korean cucumber salad.

While cucumbers are sitting , finely chop the garlic and toasted sesame seeds . Once both are done, mix a little of each in a bowl to make the dressing for cucumbers . Make sure all ingredients are well mixed , we do not want to get a piece of fresh cucumber and a piece of salted cucumbers .

After the cucumbers have finished absorbing salt water, add cucumbers in bowl with dressing and cover cucumber slices evenly .

Now serve this salad of cucumber to your friends and watch their faces turn to pleasure in this new experience. Teach your friends and family how to make a cucumber salad Korea today.
so Korean cucumber salad is the best ..

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